Sunday 4 September 2011


Blockposters allows you to blow up any image and then print it out and whatever size paper you have available to create a 'jigsaw' of a massive poster. There's no need to worry about your picture file being too small as they actually encourage you to make it as pixelated as possible as they reckon it looks even better when on the wall. Download the files as pdfs, print them out and stick them wherever you like! A4 is fine but you can choose your paper size from the options available. This literally takes less than 2 minutes to do so very quick and easy.


  • Enlarge a class photo to stick on one wall; learners can jot notes in between or stick post-its with targets for learning on the poster.
  • Create fantastic classroom displays - life-size cut outs of characters from a book, or historical figures. (Think eco - don't laminate, use cardboard backing instead! You can always print more next year.)
  • Use to make sets and scenes from books or topics that you're studying.
Add any more ideas to the notes below!

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